Making daily living a positive experience

My mission-and I choose to accept it August 15, 2009

Filed under: Positive Thinking — summerslippers @ 9:41 pm

OK. So.  I’m going to blog. Where to start? In the words of Maria von Trapp, at the very beginning, a very good place to start. I found Lorelle’s “how to” blog guide very useful and I’m sure I’ll come back to it.

Lorelle’s tip number one is my first stumbling block: “I recommend you narrow your interest down to a specific topic rather than rambling all over the place.”

So, what do I want to focus on? In my life I want to focus on (1) marrying my lovely other half (LOH), (2) buying a house with him, (3) having children with him and (4) finding a more fulfilling career. If I blog about these things though, I will be blogging about all I ever think about. It will not be an escape, and it won’t help me develop in new areas.

I would like to focus more on practicing yoga and pilates and my fitness. I really want to get into my bookclub more. One of my options for (4) above is to become a children’s librarian so being able to review adult books is at least a stepping stone. Ok, there’s a start.

Let’s dig deeper. Why am I doing this?

– A desire to be more creative, to develop my creative side. I know its in there somewhere.

– A desire to stimulate, expand and build-upon my interests.

– My friend’s new food blog which I think is fantastic.

– My favourite blog, French Essence. I enjoy reading all things (usually French) which focus on having the discipline to live a proper, fulfilled, balanced and beautiful life. I want to remind myself of this daily.

– The inspiration provided by Brahma Kumaris, who send me “Thoughts of the day” which I wish I spent more time taking in and appreciating.

Actually, Brahma Kumaris is amazing. The introduction to the Positive Thinking course has summed it all up for me “Making daily living a positive experience”. That’s what I want to do and I what I want to blog about (without turning into a hippy along the way).

So, that’s my mission and what my blog is about: positive thinking, French thinking, beautiful thinking.

Lorelle goes on to say: “People are attracted to positive energy. Create a blog filled with good content, positive perspectives, and meaningful content and you will attract readers. People want friends who are like them, but who also challenge them to be more. Turn your readers into friends and you build a loyal audience.”

Wow, that’s inspiration. I will bring positive energy to this blog and I will challenge myself to be more. I hope you become a friend and find yourself becoming more as well.